Thursday, September 1, 2011

August Goal Review

Early in the month, I set some goals for myself and now the time has come to see how well I've done. Here are the goals I had set, and, in bold text, the results!

  • Shower while home alone with Ellie. I have now done this about half a dozen times. It totally depends on her mood, but if she's happy in the bouncy chair I get a very enjoyable 3 minute shower! 
  • Take Ellie somewhere in the car without Adam. I did manage to drive a couple minutes down the road to meet a friend and her kids at the beach. This was a few weeks ago, and slightly traumatized me (Ellie cried, I got distracted, I ran a stop sign!!!), so I haven't done it since.
  • Go back to work part time. I've been working a few shifts here and there, but after much consideration, we decided it was too soon. Because Adam's shift would end at the very minute mine would begin, it required this difficult baby-shuffling routine in addition to the challenge of getting ready for work while entertaining a baby. I have my last shift this Saturday, and then we're going to wait a month or so and try again.
  • Take an overnight family trip. Our work schedule made this impossible, however, we have one planned for September!
  • Make time for regular exercise at least 2-3 times per week. I haven't made it over to the fitness room once this past month. But I did get out for walks with Ellie in the stroller nearly everyday for the past few weeks. It's a start!
  • Eat more salads and/or green smoothies. Ha! I totally bailed on this goal.
  • Do more tummy time, diaper-free time and outside in the shade time with Ellie. Success!
  • Open an RESP for Ellie. Done! 
Not too shabby! Now I'm going to go think about what I want my September goals to be and hopefully I will get around to posting them in the next few days. 

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