Saturday, July 31, 2010

Free Books!

Free books. You can't get much better than that. No, I'm not talking about library books. You can get your very own, new or used, books for free. To read on your own timeline and then lend or give to friends when you're done! How great is that?

I buy almost all my books on Amazon using my Swagbucks (click out the button on the right of my blog) which I redeem for gift cards. I've also redeemed my Swagbucks for Paypal credit which I used to buy stuff on Etsy for the wedding, but that's another story!

So, I opened the mail yesterday and received my free copy of Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson. I read Three Cups of Tea so quickly because I was so enraptured, I literally can't wait to tear into this one. If I didn't work for my husband, I might just call in sick today just so I could read it!

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